Acne is such a sensitive topic for most of us, it’s a make-or-break situation. Let’s make life easier by breaking it down and finding ways to treat it.
Normally when you have an acne problem, you assume that the prime reason for it is the accumulation of extra oil on your skin that your body produces on a regular basis. Acne (more commonly known as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads) usually occurs when skin pores get clogged with dirt, bacteria and oil. Hormonal changes in the body are one of the biggest reasons for acne. It affects both boys and girls and is common among teenagers going through puberty and young adults. Stress and genes (family history) can also contribute to acne among adolescents and adults.
Though acne is directly caused by the extra oil secretion on your face, dandruff is also a common cause for its occurrence. Dandruff, like acne, is also a skin condition that is caused by an overproduction of skin oil in our oil glands and hair follicles called sebum. Often, one follows the other (first comes dandruff, which leads to forehead acne in a lot of cases).
With Vedaearth’s Acne Control Combo which includes an Anti-Acne Face Pack and a Facial Oil, the onus was to arrive at a one-stop dandruff and pimples solution that looks at treating dandruff and acne simultaneously and not separately. The face pack and the facial oil contain neem oil and turmeric, which are natural antiseptics that go deep into the skin and help get rid of the extra dirt, thereby reducing pimples and blackheads from your face.
Another cause of acne breakouts could be your dietary habits. An oily diet invariably leads to excess oil secretion on your skin. We can safely say that skin is the first indicator of a good or bad diet. If your skin looks fresh, glowing, and free of acne, then you are most likely watching what you eat and drink and investing in good skin-care products.
Reduce or avoid foods with higher sugar content (known as foods with simple sugars). A higher-than-normal intake of sugar causes the body to produce a hormone called insulin, which helps to control sugar. Studies have shown that excess insulin can also stimulate the oil glands to produce more oil, which could, in turn, cause acne. Take off deep-fried snacks from your list because they will activate the oil or sebaceous glands to produce more oil which could trigger acne.
While there is no conclusive evidence that establishes a definite correlation between food items like chocolate, fast foods and dairy products, some instances have shown that these foods may aggravate acne.
Foods that Help to Keep a Clear Skin:
Water: This miracle drink not only has zero calories and zero sugar but also helps to flush out body toxins, which in turn helps to reduce pimples and acne. Without drinking enough water, toxins will accumulate that will cause skin pores to get clogged. The general advice is to have at least 8 glasses (or 2 litres of water) per day. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day. That’s about eight glasses of 200ml each for a woman, and 10 glasses of 200ml each for a man.
Eat more complex carb foods like: Whole wheat breads, barley, quinoa, legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans) and corn
Unlike simple sugars (or simple carb foods), complex carbohydrates not only have a higher fibre content (and therefore take more time to be digested and absorbed in the body), but also have less sugar content than simple carb foods. Less sugar in food helps to reduce acne.
Leafy greens and vegetables: Leafy vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A and C and antioxidants like Spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, blueberries, pumpkin seeds and fatty fish.
It’s best to understand the underlying cause of acne. If the acne is due to stress or genetic reasons, then the appropriate treatment should be availed, under medical supervision. If your acne is due to hormones and excessive oil secretion, much of it can be controlled by including more water and foods high in vitamins and complex carbohydrates. At the same time, it is important to exclude sugary and oily foods.
In addition to a good diet, skin hygiene is equally important. A good skincare brand will have products to help clear clogged skin pores, and reduce acne/scars while boosting fresh, glowing skin. Look for skin-care products that are not chemically harsh and paraben-free. The Anti-Acne Treatment Facial Kit from Vedaearth, is a 100% natural product to choose from Remember, ultimately good skin care is a result of holistic care – a good diet, reduced stress (with activities like yoga and meditation) and good skin care.
Acne and dandruff are very common problems, and Vedaearth with their new product has come up with an uncommon solution that covers all bases, paving the way for you to experience optimal hair and skin health.
If you’re looking for the best holistic acne treatment in the best spa in Bangalore then Vedaearth Lounge is the answer. Vedaearth offers 100% vegan and cruelty-free services and self-care products that are gentle and effective. Book your appointment today only at Vedaearth Lounge.